Arts and Culture
Chicago Children’s Museum
- With Ameritech: Process and Implementation Evaluation of Museum-based Distance Learning Technology Program in Urban Elementary School. The purpose of the program was to create a replicable model that would demonstrate how technology could enhance learning for elementary school students.
- With the Joyce Foundation: Two-year process and outcome evaluation of a museum-based Latino Neighborhood Initiative Program. The program emphasized capacity building on the part of the parents through partner organizations located in various communities. The purpose of the capacity-building model was to link external resources and families through community partners and parent training programs.
Chicago Public School District
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Arts Magnet Schools in Urban School District. Evaluation study that focused on the development of the arts magnet program and its impact on student learning outcomes. The study included 50+ schools in a large urban school district and local arts partners. Surveys, direct observation, focus groups, interviews, document review were used to collect data. Collaborated with Project Director on development professional development modules and training sequence for teachers in the target schools.
- With Kraft Foods, conducted a comprehensive process and outcome evaluation of an Arts-in-Education Initiative in Chicago Public School District. Study involved six schools and 10 arts partners.
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
- Outcome Evaluation of Professional Development Program. Evaluation study focused on the impact of a professional development program conducted by a dance company. The study documented and examined past and current teacher training workshops with the objective of training teachers on integrating movement activities within their curriculum.
Institute of Museum and Literacy Services and Chicago Children’s Museum
- Outcome Evaluation of Parent Involvement Program. The purpose of the program was to motivate and support parental and family involvement in the learning process in the classroom and to create a multifaceted plan integrating a children’s museum-designed curriculum and parent-designed activities. The evaluation looked at whether the program was effective in providing a structure and process that builds capacity of parents to initiate positive changes for their families.
The Oriental Museum University of Chicago
- Process and Outcome Evaluation of Families in the Museum program. Two-year evaluation study was designed to assess the impact of a parent-training program on parent knowledge, awareness and usage of specific museum exhibits. The program is a partnership program with a charter school and university-affiliated museum.
Urban Gateways: Outcome Evaluation of Professional Development Summer Institute
- Evaluation study focused on describing the impact of an intensive weeklong summer institute by arts organization for teachers in aesthetics. Surveys and direct observation were used to collect data; follow-up with a sample of teachers was conducted in their classrooms.
Database and Website Development, Management and Technical Support
Arizona Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family
Arizona Department of Health Services
- As the state contractor for the AZ ETO Help Desk, Wellington Group provides a single point of contact for technical support for users of the AZ ETO System. The Wellington Group staff of the AZ ETO Help Desk provide ongoing technical support through telephone, text message, and email for users in order to identify and solve any problem AZ ETO users encounter while completing data entry in the ETO System. The Wellington Group is dedicated to responding to any AZ ETO Help Desk inquiries promptly within 24 hours of receipt.
Hualapai Tribe
- Development of a comprehensive Data Management System for the Hualapai Tribe's Health, Education, and Wellness Department using FileMaker software. Monitors customer testing and feedback and development of User Guides for different levels of access.
Arizona Department of Education
- Division of Academic Professionals - Highly Qualified Professionals Unit: Process and outcome evaluation of federally funded five-year transition to teaching (alternative certification) program in 23 rural school districts in Arizona and 11 educational sites in state correctional facilities.
- Division of Adult Education: Evaluation of Existing Five-Year Plan, and Development of New Five-Year Plan for Arizona Department of Education, Adult Education Division. Retrospective evaluation of responsiveness to federal guidelines, notably accountability for student achievement; state-aligned content standards, research-based practice, increased options for basic skills acquisition, appropriate technology options, collaboration and resource sharing across agencies that serve the target population, and One-Stop Career Center delivery system.
- With the Arizona State Department of Corrections: Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Implementation of Character Counts! Framework in State Juvenile Detention and Juvenile Correction Facilities. Three-year process and outcome evaluation of state-funded multi-site character education initiative in state level juvenile detention and correction facilities.
Arizona Governor’s Office and Arizona Department of Education
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Arizona Teacher Excellence Plan (AzTEP). Conduct multi-year evaluation of an initiative funded through the federal Teacher Quality Enhancement program that addresses recruitment and retention of teachers on Indian Reservations and former federal Enterprise Communities in Arizona.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, U. S. Department of Interior
- Study to Estimate the Funding Requested for BIA-funded Schools to Implement Relevant Accreditation Standards. As co-investigator, reviewed existing funding system and (1) developed strategy to determine the level of funding required for BIA-funded schools to meet the standards by reviewing the various national efforts, identifying individual state efforts related to standards that might be used by BIA-funded schools, and developing procedures for determining the funds required by BIA-funded schools to meet the standards; and (2) analyzed the adequacy of the basic funding for operation of BIA-funded schools.
Chicago Children’s Museum
- With the Chicago Public School District: Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Two Annenberg School Reform Projects. Contracted with two different school reform networks composed of six schools in large urban school district and two external partners. The four-year evaluation study focused on parent involvement, teacher isolation, structure, and class size. Areas included in the evaluation were level of parent participation, school health and climate, classroom learning environment, student achievement, indicators of engaged learning, and whole school change.
Illinois State Board of Education and Chicago Children’s Museum
- Outcome Evaluation of Museum-based Scientific Literacy Project. The program was designed to be an interrelated programming system designed to engage a community of learners (students, teachers, parents and outside experts) through a model for action research. The goal was to determine whether the implementation of the model improved students’ knowledge and skills, student attitudes and behaviors in areas of mathematics, science and technology, and parent involvement in science at home. The evaluation was funded through the Illinois State Board of Education.
Kansas State Department of Education
- Outcome Evaluation of federally funded Transition to Teaching statewide grant. The primary outcome of the alternative path to licensure program was to increase the number of teachers available while maintaining high teacher quality standards.
New Mexico State Department of Education and New Mexico State Legislature
- Study to Design, Organize and Prescribe Governance of a State Education Accountability Program. As co-investigator, analyzed current system, developed educational indicator system; developed system for identifying and allocating funds to high-improving schools (meeting specific criteria); developed accountability/guide handbook; and developed system for technical training for State Department of Education staff in implementation of accountability system.
U.S. Department of Education, Small Business Innovation and Research (SBIR)
- Research and Development Feasibility Study (Phase I) for Development of Neural Network Based Inclusion Simulation Model.
- Research and Development Feasibility Study (Phase I & II) for Development of Intelligent Computerized Job Aid for Observation and Assessment of Preschool Children.
Early Childhood Development
Aliviane, Inc.
- Three year process and outcome evaluation of the SAMSHA funded Project LAUNCH El Paso program for five strands of services implemented in El Paso, Texas including home visitation, integration of behavioral and physical health, mental health consultation, screening and assessment and family strengthening initiatives. The evaluation included the development of a web-based data entry and reporting portal for access by the multiple partners of the El Paso Young Child Wellness Council.
Arizona Department of Child Safety
- Arizona Department of Child Safety: Prepares quarterly updates and the annual evaluation report submitted to Arizona Legislature for the Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T. (AFF) program, which addresses adverse conditions related to alcohol and drug abuse among child-welfare-involved families in which allegations of child maltreatment were associated with parental substance abuse. Built and administers the AFF Data Collection Portal which contracted providers use to upload monthly data used in the quarterly and annual reports.
Arizona Department of Health Services
- Bureau of Women's & Children's Health: Five year qualitative and quantitative analysis of Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) data for six Benchmark areas and related performance measures. Oversaw the Community-Based Participatory Research conducted with three tribal communities in Arizona studying best strategies for expanding evidence-based home visiting programs into tribal communities.
- Bureau of Women’s & Children’s Health: Process and outcome evaluation of federally funded multi-year program, Project LAUNCH in the South Phoenix area. The project relates to improving the wellness of children birth to eight years of age and their families statewide through the coordination of services, systems and funding, policy enhancement, and the promotion of evidence-based approaches.
Native Health, Inc.
- Process and outcome evaluation of the Native Health Home Visiting Program Demonstration Project awarded through the Adult Child and Family (ACF) Tribal Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (Tribal MIECHV) funded grant. Conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected data and assessments of established Tribal MIECHV Benchmarks. Examined the effectiveness of program delivery through a collaborative approach with the Home Visiting Program staff for the Urban American Indians/Alaskan Native American participating families in the Phoenix Metropolitan region.
Arizona Department of Health Services and Arizona Governor’s Office on Women’s Policy
- A statewide descriptive study of Women’s Health through the survey of 1121 women over the age of 18 funded by state department of health and governor’s office on women’s policy.
The CHEST Foundation
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Critical Care Family Assistance Program (CCFAP). Evaluation study focuses on impact of the CCFAP, which is designed to respond to the unmet needs of families of critically ill patients in a hospital intensive care unit (ICU), through the provision of educational and family support resources. Nationwide program in nine major hospital sites. Developed CCFAP Toolkit and web-based training modules. Provide ongoing consultation to hospitals implementing CCFAP in their ICUs.
- Longitudinal study of healthy lungs curriculum on knowledge, behaviors, attitude of 3rd and 4th grade students. Developed healthy lungs curriculum materials and conducted training for health care workers.
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
- The objective of this study was to cross-validate findings from the Critical Care Family Assistance Program Family Satisfaction Survey and the Press Ganey Inpatient Survey administered over a 3-year time period at one of the CCFAP pilot sites, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare in Evanston, IL. Constructs from family satisfaction studies, including studies conducted through The CHEST Foundation’s CCFAP study, were used to develop two preliminary models of factors that predict family satisfaction and patient satisfaction.
National Asthma Education and Prevention Program and The CHEST Foundation
- Study to describe asthma coalitions according to their operational processes and structural characteristics.
National Health, Lung and Blood Institute and American College of Chest Physicians
- Process and outcome evaluation of Community-Based Asthma Project to study impact of local asthma consortium activities on building community-based programs to reduce asthma morbidity in high-risk communities.
Oklahoma State Medical Association
- Study of impact of the Women In Medicine mentoring in Tulsa Public Schools on “women and girls, tobacco and lung cancer.” Key partners in the program were the Oklahoma State Medical Association, the Women in Medicine Committee of the Tulsa County Medical Society, and the Tulsa Public Schools.
Homeland Security
U. S. Department of Homeland Security and University of Las Vegas-Nevada.
- Development of train-the-trainer curriculum for 2-day course for security professionals in soft target areas. Design and conduct training nationwide using cadre of 12 master instructors. Conduct comprehensive implementation and impact evaluation of Homeland Security Train-the-Trainer Course. Evaluation of training program designed for training America’s security forces to understand, prevent, respond to and deal with situations of terrorism training.
Arizona Department of Health Services
- With the Northern Area Regional Behavioral Health Authority (NARBHA): conducted statewide and local evaluation services of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) CABHI Project (Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals). Studied the state’s and local providers’ abilities to increase capacity to provide accessible, effective, comprehensive, coordinated/integrated, and evidence-based treatment services; permanent housing; peer supports; and other critical services for veterans and non-veterans who experience homelessness or chronic homelessness including the delivery of behavioral health, housing support, peer, and other recovery-oriented services.
Arizona Governor’s Office and Arizona Department of Education
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of School-Based Parenting Programs Initiative. Four-year process and outcome evaluation of 222 school sites including public and charter schools in Arizona to provide parenting programs designed to strengthen parenting skills and family bonding for the ultimate purpose of eliminating the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other substances by school age children.
Arizona Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Parenting for Youth Drug Prevention Program. Evaluation study focusing on impact of research based programs on parent skill, attitude and behaviors in youth drug prevention program provided through local community agencies.
Chicago Children’s Museum
- With the W. W. Kellogg Foundation: Museum-based Parent Network Evaluation Study sponsored by W.W. Kellogg Foundation was designed to look at direct and indirect program effects of a parent-training model prior to replication. The study took place in five elementary schools located in the largest public housing project in the United States.
CODAC Behavioral Health Services
- Process and outcome evaluation of Strengthening Families program through the Parent Commission, Governor’s Office of Youth, Family and Children
Arizona Department of Health Services
- Bureau of Women’s & Children’s Health: Process and outcome evaluation of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program. The project includes the monitoring of the delivery of all teen pregnancy prevention curricula through web-based fidelity checklist. Responsible for data analysis of pre/post-survey data from students participating in abstinence and comprehensive sexual education programs.
Arizona Governor's Office for Youth, Faith and Family
- Comprehensive process and outcome multi-year evaluation of statewide programs funded through the Arizona Parents Commission on Drug Education and Prevention grant program.
Arizona Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program. Conducting multi-year evaluation of statewide programs funded through the Arizona Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families.
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Implementation of Character Counts! Framework in Schools and Non-School Facilities. Three-year process and outcome evaluation of state-funded multi-site character education initiative in both school (public and charter) and non-school settings in the state of Arizona.
- Comprehensive Process and Outcome Evaluation of Youth Drug Prevention Program. Evaluation study focusing on impact of research based programs on risk and protective factors for youth at-risk for substance abuse in school sites throughout the state of Arizona, including both public and charter schools.
- Process Evaluation of Character Education Program. The Character Education Commission and the Division of Character Education are seeking to implement the CHARACTER COUNTS! Framework in domestic violence shelters. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an evaluation of the process for implementing the program in domestic violence shelters.
Arizona Youth Partnership
- Process and outcome evaluation of Strengthening Families program and Drug Free Communities Coalitions.
Casa Grande Alliance
- Process and outcome evaluation of Strengthening Families program through the Parent Commission, Governor’s Office of Youth, Family and Children.
Chandler Coalition on Youth Substance Abuse (CCYSA)
- Provided technical assistance and evaluation services for the development of this Drug Free Communities-funded coalition in Chandler.
CODAC Behavioral Health Services
- Process and outcome evaluation of Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities programs funded through the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families.
Copper Basin Coalition (CBC)
- Provided technical assistance and evaluation services for this Drug Free Coalition-funded coalition located in Gila County.
- Process and Outcome Evaluation of after school youth alcohol and drug prevention programs. The evaluation focuses on changes in youth behavior, attitudes, and knowledge regarding alcohol and other drugs as well as the core measures required by the funder.
Northern Area Regional Behavioral Health Authority (NARBHA)
- Process and outcome evaluation for the 10 northern Arizona recipients of the Substance Abuse Block Grant. Also provided specialized group facilitation for substance abuse prevention coalitions with the goal of developing comprehensive one-year and three-year strategic plans. Training topics delivered included Coalition Membership Development, Collaborative Leadership, Strategic Planning, Environmental Prevention Strategies, Logic Models, and conducting community needs assessments.
Parker Area Alliance for Community Empowerment (PAACE)
- Process and Outcome Evaluation of after school youth alcohol and drug prevention programs. The evaluation focuses on changes in youth behavior, attitudes, and knowledge regarding alcohol and other drugs as well as the core measures required by the funder.
- Provided technical assistance to PAACE in the implementation of the first two steps of the five-step Strategic Prevention Framework for the State Incentive Grant from the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families and SAMSHA in the Parker area of La Paz County, Arizona. Provided process evaluation and developed the SPF SIG Evaluation Annual Report.
- Process and outcome evaluation of the P.A.A.C.E. Drug Free Communities Coalition grant program.
Pinal-Gila Behavioral Health Association (PGBHA)
- Provided group and individual technical assistance to nine providers of prevention services funded by PGBHA. The focus of the evaluation advisement services was on facilitating the design and implementation of internal evaluation by representatives of the provider agencies. In particular, the emphasis was on the designing program logic models and evaluation plans, identification and/or design of instruments to support the evaluation plans, design and utilization of databases for capturing data, calculation of results, reporting and interpreting findings.
The Young Adult Development Authority of Havasu (YADAH) Coalition
- A program of Arizona Youth Partnership, YADAH was one of four coalitions to receive a one-year Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) from the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families (GOYCF). Provided technical assistance to YADAH in the implementation of the first two steps of the five-step Strategic Prevention Framework in the Lake Havasu City area located in Mohave County. Provided process evaluation and developed the SPF SIG Evaluation Annual Report.
Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family
- Five year process and outcome evaluation of the evidence-based SBIRT practice used to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs, funded through SAMSHA and in collaboration with Health Choice Integrated Care (formerly the Northern Area Regional Behavioral Health Authority - NARBHA).
Workforce Development
Chicago Children’s Museum
- With the W. W. Kellogg Foundation: Comprehensive Evaluation of Job Generation Program for Low-Income Families. Evaluation study of job generation program for parents and teens living in Chicago’s largest public housing project. The study funded by W. W. Kellogg Foundation focused on impact of capacity-building program through a children’s museum for parents and teens on employment outcomes with the particular challenge of a deleterious community environment.
U. S. Department of Labor
- Three-year process and outcome evaluation study of incumbent worker training program conducted by the Center of Workforce Education and Development at University of Nevada-Las Vegas.