Conference Presentations

Presenter, Society for Applied Anthropology, 71st Annual Meeting    . Topic: Sense of Identity: Federal Recognition and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe.  Seattle, WA 

Presenter, Society for Applied Anthropology, 67th Annual Meeting. Monetary Compensation: “Giving Back” to the Community.  Tampa, FL

Presenter, American Anthropology Association, 105th Annual Meeting. Topic: The Crossroads of Stigma: The Social Construction of Hepatitis C. San Jose, CA

Presenter, Embracing Our Traditions, Values, and Teachings: Native People of North America HIV/AIDS Conference.  Poster Presentation – Methods Used for Recruiting Tribal Members to Participate in Research on the Perceptions of HIV and Hepatitis C. Anchorage, AK

Presenter, Society for Applied Anthropology, 64th Annual Meeting. Topic: Not Thinking Right: Native Americans, Substance Abuse, and Safe Sex Prevention Programs Subverting Symbolic Neocolonialism: The Indian Revolt at “The Sanctuary”  Dallas, TX

Presenter, Hawaiian International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Subverting Symbolic Neocolonialism: The Indian Revolt at “The Sanctuary” “You’re Not Thinking Right”: The Connection of HIV with Substance Abuse by Urban Indians Honolulu, HI

Conference Presenter: Topic: Empowering Non-profits through an Evaluative Learning Community, American Evaluation Association.

Workshop Presenter: Topic: Development of a Statewide Framework for Internship Programs for School Leaders. NASDTEC Annual Conference.

Presenter/Facilitator: National Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities.  Topic:  Enhancing Program Evaluability.  Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, Concord, NH.

Presenter/Facilitator:  Western Regional Resource Center:  Secondary Forum in Tempe, AZ.  Topic:  Transition Around the Nation.  Western Regional Resource Center, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.